10 things that could never be part of NZ culture
Because NZ’s would
never put up with people being treated like that.
Because NZ is a
country of peace and if everyone owns guns there is going to be a lot of
3.Bull fighting
Because that is
very cruel to the animals and people would be very shocked at how violent it
4.Capital Punishment
Because sometimes
they make mistakes and innocent people get executed
5.No schools
Because even
though school can be hard work, NZ has schools so that kids can get smart and grow
up to do clever things.
6.One Religion that everyone has to belong to
Because in NZ people need to believe in their
own religions and their own gods and we don’t mind about that.
7.Australian animals
Because they live
in Australia.
8.Being told what to wear
Because people
would get really annoyed and we
like to wear lots
of different things.
9.Eating Guinea Pigs
Because they are
pets in NZ and they are really cute and we have lots of other things we can eat.
10.One person in command
Because they go
nuts and NZ people wouldn’t want to do what they said anyway.