Friday, March 27, 2015

The children took our healthy eating topic into the direction of "what's the good stuff in apples?" Decided to document our work with Google Slides. I reflected to the class that when I asked children to name a healthy food they often said apples first. So we decided to find out why.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Our Blogging Parent Hui

I was fortunate to work on a presentation about Blogging with Waveney Bryant, Anna Spier and Sonya Van Schaijk. Fabulously talented educators at Newmarket Primary.  Sadly, bad weather put off a lot of parents but we still managed to have a lively, interactive presentation to staff. Good PD all round. I came away with lots of ideas. My next plan is to move from reading group modelling books to a digital alternative using Google Docs.

Friday, March 20, 2015

The Power of Yet

Thanks to #Teachmeetnz I was spurred on by Danielle Myburgh and Belinda Hitchman to check out Carol Dweck's Ted talk re: Growth Mindset.  Powerful stuff and one that has me thinking of how I can make my own boys more resilient.

It's the little things...

Saturday morning finds me dancing around in front of my son and singing'
"Mummy is the best, Mummy is the best!"

I finally remembered how to move my google drive planning folder onto our Ako site.
(You'd be proud of me Sonya and Wendy - perseverance at it's best)

You could be inclined to think - What a sad life she leads. (I know that was what my son was thinking. Actually he thought I was singing "Mummy is the bag").
But I bet most of you know that wonderful moment when you get to grips with something and celebrate the fact that you don't have to slink back to that person who helps you at work and ask them to show you how to solve the problem again.

"Mummy is the best!"